Saturday, 30 May 2009

OUGD103 Module Evaluation

What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?

Looking at the work I have produced for this module, I defiantly think it is the best work I have produced so far on the course. I actually dont think I have learnt as many new skills this module, but I have certainly used the skills I have learn throughout the first two modules in far better ways and built on these to a great extent to produce this body of work. I am constantly surprised of often I turn to illustrator now as it was a program I hated when I first tried it. The type and grid brief was where I learnt most skills I think this module, this was quite educational and gave me a new perceptive on how papers and magazines are put together. It was great to have Lorenzo teaching this as he is clearly extremely experienced at doing grid based layouts, I found if I quizzed him about one point he would also tell me another five tips, trick and cheats that he uses which were fantastic to learn.

What approaches to/methods of research have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?

On this module I think I have used used research quite effectively. I have defiantly learnt the value of doing a quick questionnaire to gather opinion and ideas (but sadly so has the rest of the year so there was quite a lot to fill out some days! I have started to ask around more when needing other designers work for research as there is always someone who has seen exactly what you are looking for. I am still on track in buying one good book per module for my own collection (this time the brilliant Data Flow which helped my mapping project a great deal and will be a source of inspiration in the future i'm sure) Creative revief has also been a good companion recently thanks to its quality content mixed with a cover price the right side of ridiculous unlike others in the segment (I'm looking at you 'eye'). So I think all in all I am a lot more informed than ever before as a designer even if a lot of this influence has be subconscious rather than direct.

What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?

I think my project and time management has been far better in this module, I think this is as a result of more practice doing design work as well as a conscious effort to plan ahead. I now have a far better idea how long certain tasks will take me.

What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these more fully?

I think sometimes I feel there is a general lack of ambition in my work, I still play safe to complete a brief competently rather than risk something that might end up spectacular (or spectacular bad) I think this is something I will reflect on over the summer as it is more to do with where I want the course to take me, but I think I have made progress in driving a couple of the briefs rather then letting them drive me, and this has resulted in better work and less stress. The final mapping brief went exceptionally smoothly and I did what I set out to archive as well as experimenting with something which is new to me. I think the reasons for this were having a clear goal from early on, having enough time set aside to experiment and learn as I went along.

Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?

1 - Proof read design sheets.
No more T-shits!

2 - Buy a layout pad.
Far too many bits of paper is starting to drive me crazy. I also do have a phobia of working big when I plan and develop ideas but I want to get more comfortable with at least A3 sized paper. At least I am now up to A4 scetchbooks rather than A5 or even A6 that I have used in the past

3 - Stay positive!
I had a bit of a down patch after Easter and found motivating myself very difficult, It has been a stressful year for lots of reasons but I need to remember the achievements I have made

4 - Be more proactive in seeking help and opinions.
At times I have been too quietly on my own rather than going to other for help and advice, the studio environment can overwhelm and stress me at times, probably drinking far too much coffee hasn't helped.

5 - Do some screen printing
I have been meaning to do this all year and not done any, I think the fact that I know it will take up a whole day (that I don't often feel I have to spare) as well as not really knowing how make best use of this has stopped me trying. Not good excuses and I really must do this next year.

Overall I am happy with the progress I have made this module and some of my work has passed my bedroom-wall-test for the first time this year (do I like a piece enough to bluetack it to my own my bedroom wall)

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